Great! It's only fair and right to have your own files. Great idea! i hope it spreads
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Child abuse files. Request to return files before litigation
by sp74bb ina group of former jw in spain has decided to request through law the return to any file regarding child abuse.
an official request has been sent today and a copy of this one has been copied to the ministry of justice and other government officials.. starting jan 16, we expect to get our request and receive the confidential files regarding our sexual abuse years ago.. we will keep you posted !.
never a jw
One Big Family... Except For When You Need Them
by pale.emperor inwhen i was in, we all used to claim us jw's were "one big family" all around the world, and how we're the happiest people on the earth.
except that isnt true is it?
i knew that when i was in, but i've just had some news which shows me how unloving, uncaring and un-family like they really are.. my ex-best friend (he has to shun me doesn't he?
never a jw
i'd like to help them to get out of this rut. Even if it was anonymously.
That's easy to do. Put cash in an envelope, write their name on it and slide it under their door..The big problem is that there's no recognition for those deeds and our egos always struggle with that.
COs are like parrots, can’t handle questions of dynamic nature!
by anointed1 inwhen i was a zealous publisher, once i took co for a return visit to learn how he handles difficult questions.
house holder brought the subject of joshua secretly sending two spies to spy out the city of jericho before its planned conquest, and asked: “wasn’t joshua acting in a human way here?
why would joshua need to send spies if he was the commander-in-chief appointed by god the almighty?”.
never a jw
I only met one who I felt wasn't a big disappointment.
I did too. He was humble enough to admit that he didn't have a good answer to the question
Why does the Watchtower write "Samuel" (with quotation marks) in 1 Samuel 28:12-20 (when Saul talks to the ghost of Samuel)?
He was also a great speaker. Children and adults were entertained while they learned Watchtower doctrines. His name was Samuel Izquierdo, a Cuban born residing in the U.S.
Moscow City Court JW Restriction Verdict Today - 16-Jan-2017
by Da.Furious inon this is the first paragraph on the 12 january news on russia:.
on january 16, 2017, jehovah’s witnesses in russia will again seek to counter the decade-long tightening of restrictions on their religious freedom.
they will ask the moscow city court to rule that a warning against their national headquarters be rescinded as unlawful and unfounded.
never a jw
How convenient, the Watchtower posts in their website court cases in Russia involving a conflict with JW's, knowing full well that they can find sympathy among most people. But where in their website are the court cases and government investigations from Australia, England, the U.S. regarding child abuse. I guess that they are not likely to get any sympathy by most normal people. Hypocrites!.. and that's actually a very soft adjective for them.
baptised nearly 51 years
by Phoebe inbeen reading this site for awhile now.
i have had a long and often tragic life as a jw.
my story is so long because i'm pretty old :) i feel sad i've been locked in fear and guilt for my entire life.
never a jw
My husband left the truth about 18 years ago.... He kept saying 'there's something wrong with it' and then he started reading JWSurvey and I was telling him to stay away from 'those sites'
Welcome Phoebe,
Can yo elaborate on this apparent contradiction. JWSurvey is about 5 or six years old, but your husband left 18 years ago
How Do JWs Reconcile Contradictions Between Mt. and Lk. and Their Birth Stories?
by Saename indoes anybody know how jehovah's witnesses reconcile the contradictions between the stories of jesus' birth as found in matthew and luke?
when i was a jehovah's witness, i wasn't even aware of this contradiction; i simply thought that all of it happen—namely that there was a census (luke 2) and the slaughter of the innocents (matthew 2) simultaneously.
but at the time i didn't know that the census took place in 6 ce and that herod the great died in 4 bce, thus placing those birth stories 10 years apart in time.
never a jw
By the way, under the Mosaic law the punishment for getting Mary pregnant, while engaged to Joseph, was death.
Now I understand why Jesus was so forgiving of the adulteress in John 8:1-11. He must have known that he was the product of an illicit relationship.
By the way JWleaks, that was funny.
"Don't listen to apostates!!"
by Schnufti innext time a jw says that to me, i will ask him to read the following from "what does the bible really teach":.
watchtower itself uses this illustration.
so why is it that they throw apostates out of the congregation?.
never a jw
I think the rebellious student has proven the teacher wrong many a time. Start your sampling at
It is rebels that, by definition, bring change. Imagine a world without the Renaissance, or the Reformation, or the Enlightenment, or the Industrial Revolution, or the Scientific Revolution, or the American Revolution, or the French Revolution, or
the Russian Revolution,or ancient Athens, or Socrates, or Spinoza, Descartes, Voltaire, Einstein etc, etc.............. -
How do you categorise the Society - Cult or High control religion
by UnshackleTheChains ini have often seen many categorise the organisation in different ways.
some say cult, some say high control religion.
cult or high control religion?.
never a jw
There's no difference, cult or high control organization. One maybe slightly more euphemistic, but they mean the same thing. Same can be said of "God's prophet" and "God's mouthpiece". Same shit.
How long did people like Methuselah really live?
by dubstepped ini was working today and my brain was working in circles like it often does and i started wondering about what i was always told about people like methuselah in bible times, and their incredibly claims of longevity.
i've tried researching things but have a hard time getting through all of the bible thumpers to some real evidence, and figured that some here may be more informed or have done the research previously.
so, did people really live longer way back when?
never a jw
Assyrians scribes are well known for assigning long, long reigns to their kings the farther they went into the past. Considering that writing was a relatively late invention, scribes had to rely on oral traditions containing lots of gaps that were filled by exaggeration, myths and legend. Of course, the Watchtower uses this fact to say that Assyrian chronologies are unreliable, especially when used to prove historical dates such as the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 bce. However, Assyrian records are unreliable only for a much earlier period, not for the first millennium bce. The inconsistency is that the Watchtower considers the myth and legend of Genesis as literal. It's a double standard. "The Assyrians exaggerate longevity in the distant past, but... well... Hebrews... they provide accurate accounts"
In praise of Randall Watters
by nicolaou inexjw's of a certain age will remember randy's site well.
freeminds was instrumental in waking me up along with ray franz's books.
if net soup and armageddon okies mean nothing to you you're probably under 30.. whatever caused randy to post what he did recently is something i can only guess at but it won't be what i remember him for.. randy, i wish you well and thank you for all you've done over the years .
never a jw
Not from the generation of Randy and yet I got to meet him in Santa Monica three years ago in an independent theater that was showing the movie "Truth be told". After the movie ended, he was surrounded by lots of people interested in talking with him. He actually was more popular than the director of the movie, who also stayed after the movie. It was then that I realized that Randy was well known and respected.
Thank you Randy for being instrumental, just like Raymond Franz, in raising "apostates" of great caliber who have passed on TTATT to me and many others, thus diminishing the power of the cult leaders. The success that we "apostates" see in the latest declining numbers of the Watchtower is due to your hard work. Thank you sir!